Strong Benefits to Attract and Keep Millennials

October 6, 2016

If you want to win the loyalty of your millennial employees, it’s time to take a hard look at your benefits package and workplace perks.

A year ago, millennials became the largest generation represented in the workforce, at more than 53 million strong. And contrary to conventional wisdom, one group of researchers found that nearly half of the millennials are open to the idea of working for a company for 10+ years, especially those with attractive benefits packages, concluding that this group of employees is thinking about long-term financial security.

While a benefits package and perks are a welcome addition to any offer of employment, a deeper look at your offerings and culture can help you win over and retain top talent.

Grow: Millennials are taking the long view of their careers and want to ensure opportunity lies in their future in this fast-evolving world. To build loyalty, offer training and education, and strengthen the social and professional ties to your company by hosting mentor mixers.

Flex: You may promote the importance of teamwork and face-to-face meetings, but today’s employees simply don’t find it necessary to perform tasks from the office when it can just as easily be done from a laptop at home. When practical, give employees the option to work remotely.

Inspire: Many of today’s employees are driven by a sense of purpose, and prefer to contribute to something larger than themselves. Whether you’re recruiting new talent or passing along company news, always share with them the bigger picture so they can understand how their roles make a difference.

If you want to attract millennials and keep them engaged, it’s time to take a hard look at your company’s culture and benefits. Talk to our benefits experts at Shepherd Insurance so you can design a package that’s attractive to this rising generation. Contact us today.